How to choose a gaming laptop in 2024 And not regret spending tens or hundreds of dollars pt.2

This article provides a detailed guide to choosing a gaming laptop in 2024. It covers all the main aspects to consider when choosing one, including screen diagonal, matrix type, RAM and permanent memory, as well as keyboard and ports. The article also emphasizes the importance of testing a laptop before buying it to make sure it is comfortable to use.


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Best laptops for work and play 2024

It's easy to get confused when choosing a laptop - manufacturers offer hundreds of models with different "stuffing" and features. To make it easier for you to choose, we've compiled a list of the best laptops of 2024 and analyzed their main features. You will learn which models are better suited for working with photo editors and video editing, which models are better for playing computer games, and which models are better for both.


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How to choose a gaming laptop in 2024 And not regret spending tens or hundreds of dollars pt.1

The coronavirus and the subsequent shift to remote working has prompted many people to grab a compact device to get things done.

And this trend doesn't just apply to work models.

Gaming laptops are also becoming more and more popular. Iron is in short supply today, and stores sometimes demand as much money for an actual RTX 3070 graphics card as for a laptop with the same video chip. In such conditions, buying a laptop for gaming sounds more profitable - especially since many of them can be found on free sale at an unreasonable retail price.

I switched to laptops from desktop computers about five years ago. During that time I've changed four models, tested several other devices, and thoroughly researched the nuances of gaming laptops before buying my latest PC.

In this article I will tell you what to pay attention to when choosing a gaming laptop and why the popular scare stories about overheating of such models are almost irrelevant today.


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MacBook versus Windows laptop: Which is superior and is the choice really that clear?

Examine the pros and cons of Apple laptops versus standard Windows laptops. When purchasing a laptop, you want it to last, ideally for at least five years. It's a significant investment, so choosing a portable PC should be done responsibly. If your budget exceeds a hundred thousand rubles, considering MacBooks might be worthwhile. Recently, their prices have become less prohibitive, making Apple products more accessible to the average consumer.


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The Significance and Usefulness of Laptop Stickers

Most Windows laptops are sold with one or more brightly colored stickers on the case.

Their main purpose is to advertise the capabilities of the device on the showcase in an electronics store: thanks to them, you can determine the laptop's positioning. For example, to distinguish a powerful laptop from an office solution with basic characteristics.

Stickers can not only inform about the technical capabilities of the device, but also guarantee a specific experience of use. For example, one of the stickers confirms the color accuracy of the screen.


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How to choose a laptop for studies in 2024 without overpaying for unnecessary features

This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to choose a laptop for studies in 2024, focusing on getting the best value without overpaying for unnecessary features. It discusses the key parameters to consider, including hardware, ergonomics, battery life, operating system, and price. The article also covers various connectors and interfaces to look for, as well as the optimal screen size for a study laptop.


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