Learn how to update your BIOS to make your PC more stable. Also, find out if you need to do it at all, especially if everything is already working fine

This article provides a comprehensive guide on BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) - its importance, why and when you need to update it, and how to do so safely. It discusses the potential risks and precautions to take when updating your BIOS, including the need for stable power supply and ensuring compatibility of the firmware file with your motherboard. The article also covers how to troubleshoot common problems that may arise during or after a BIOS update


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MacBook versus Windows laptop: Which is superior and is the choice really that clear?

Examine the pros and cons of Apple laptops versus standard Windows laptops. When purchasing a laptop, you want it to last, ideally for at least five years. It's a significant investment, so choosing a portable PC should be done responsibly. If your budget exceeds a hundred thousand rubles, considering MacBooks might be worthwhile. Recently, their prices have become less prohibitive, making Apple products more accessible to the average consumer.


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The Significance and Usefulness of Laptop Stickers

Most Windows laptops are sold with one or more brightly colored stickers on the case.

Their main purpose is to advertise the capabilities of the device on the showcase in an electronics store: thanks to them, you can determine the laptop's positioning. For example, to distinguish a powerful laptop from an office solution with basic characteristics.

Stickers can not only inform about the technical capabilities of the device, but also guarantee a specific experience of use. For example, one of the stickers confirms the color accuracy of the screen.


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